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Arshak Balayan
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Arshak Balayan, PhD is a lecturer in philosophy. He earned his PhD from Yerevan State University.
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Assistant Professor
College of Humanities & Social Sciences

Courses I teach this semester:
CHSS 110 "Introduction to Philosophy"
CHSS 111 "Introduction to Ethics"
PSIA 201 "Political Philosophy"
CHSS 213 "Symbolic Logic"

Office: 432W, PAB
Office hours: MWF 2:30-3:20 or by appointment.

At present I work on moral and epistemological aspects of trust. I am part of ETICA research team. This article provides a few details about ETICA:

In the past I was part of PERITIA project. Please visit to learn more about PERITIA.

My view: (Please briefly describe your view on the three concepts below)

Students should view education as investment in their future. Teachers should view education as leadership.
Research is primarily problem solving.
Guidance. Academics should be capable of and offer guidance.

Short Bio:

I have broad interest in ethics, epistemology and philosophy of science.
am author to a number of published translations and papers in peer reviewed journals. You can see some of my publications at


Here are 4 recent publications:

Բալայան, Ա: (2023): Բարոյագիտություն. մեթոդներ, տեսություններ և խնդիրներ, Երևան, ԵՊՀ հրատարակչություն.
Articles in Academic Journals:
Բալայան, Ա. (2021). Ժողովրդավարություն, գիտելիք և տեղեկատվական համակարգ. Մեդիան և տեղեկատվությունը XXI դարի պատերազմներում. գիտաժողովի նյութեր. Խմբ.՝ Դ. Մոսինյան և Ա. Հակոբյան. Երևան, Ակտուալ արվեստ, Բանք: 176-197.
Balayan, A. (2021). "Teaching Students to Think Critically about Morality Using the Paradigm of Sciences." Scientia Paedagogica Experimentalis LVIII(1): 83-104.
Donabedian, A., J. Carey and A. Balayan (2020). "Collection Development at Two Armenian University Libraries: A Conversation with Librarians and Faculty." Liber Quarterly: The Journal of the Association of European Research Libraries 30: 1-23.
You can see these and some other publications from the website indicated above.

A discussion on philosophy of science, expertise and ways of using science (In Armenian). URL:
On role of knowledge and experts in society (In Armenian) URL:
On social and political aspects of trust (In Armenian). URL:   
Online lecture series on ethics:
No recent papers.